Throughout my work, I aim to find beauty within the ordinary. I’m fascinated by the unexpected connections between various subject matters. Using oil paint and photography, I create realistic and vibrant pieces that highlight the subjects I find beautiful.
I tend to zoom in on my subjects to capture the small, colorful, and textural details. Whether through painting or photography, I want people to see these elements in a new light and find beauty in the small things in life. With photography, I often use long exposure techniques and layering to create a painterly effect. Color is a main element I enhance within my work to bring my subjects to life. I am particularly drawn to vibrant paints such as viridian hue, quinacridone magenta, and turquoise.
Recently, I’ve been exploring using the hexagon shape within my subject matter and the canvas shape itself. I’m inspired by how the shapes appear within nature and science, like in honeycombs and chemical structures. I’ve incorporated these geometric elements to add a surreal and abstract layer to the otherwise realistic compositions. I enjoy blending different styles to create more interesting works that encourage viewers to spend more time discovering all of the hidden details.
One of my previous paintings, Kaleidoscope, has various subject matters flowing through a diagonal rainbow gradient. I want to continue the essence of this painting but explore a new direction in my next series of works.
For all of my pieces, I follow what excites me. I plan to create a series of works that are cohesive and enhance one another when displayed together. I love realism as it is a form of meditation that helps me to enter a flow state. Adding surrealistic and abstract elements toward the end of the painting allows me to explore a more creative side to my work. In my photography, I try to capture real-world moments with dreamlike qualities. Overall, I aim to make my work more cohesive and continue to follow what inspires me to create.